Welcome to our collection of 'things which have no other logical home.' Below you will find a listing of of categories, and individual items to peruse at your leisure. Have fun.
n3krozoft.ltd: (a strange European collection of video art articles featuring NCET and most of its personnel)
Start here>>> http://www.n3krozoft.com/_xxbcf67373.TMP/tv/NCET.html (on line)
Bay Guardian Calendar - September, 1973 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Has TV Finally Become an Art? - SF Examiner & Chronicle, Sept. 23, 1973 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Videola press release and exhibit program (Adobe Acrobat file)
Make your own? All You Need To Know To Build A Videola (Adobe Acrobat file)
Larry Templeton's Original Module Specifications Flyers (Adobe Acrobat file)
The Davis Tapes by Alfred Frankenstein - SF Chronicle - October 21, 1973
[NCET mention highlighted] (Adobe Acrobat file)
KQED Focus Magazine - September 1973 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Video: a Selected Chronology, 1963 - 1985, Art Journal, 1985 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Video Data Bank - Bibliography on the History of Video Art [Brice Howard and John Minkowsky listings] (HTML file) (Internet posting)
Culturally, Baby, Are We Waves Or Are We Particles? - from the New York Times, 1969 (HTML file) (Internet posting)
Willard Rosenquist: In Memoriam - U. C. Berkeley (Adobe Acrobat file)
'Radical Light' Exhibit - Warner Jepson and Stephen Beck - SF Chronicle, 9-10-10 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Sundance Magazine - 1:3 (1972) - VIDEO-AS-ART
X-TRA (Contemporary Art Quarterly): [An NCET history] 'In the Beginning, There Was the Electron'
'Bringing Video Art to the TV Screens' - Article on Stephen Beck, probably published in the San Francisco Examiner
'Some Video Sculptures' - Review of the Videola exhibit by Alfred Frankenstein, published in the San Francisco Chronicle (1973)
Script for 'The Jonah ... (last word is unreadable),' A proposed video play obviously intended as an NCET work (probably never produced). Unatributed, but possibly written by Brice Howard or Marvin Duckler (Adobe Acrobat File)
ARTICES FROM RADICAL SOFTWARE - [NCET mentions between red brackets]:
Radical Software / Table of Contents, from Volume 1, Number 2, 1970
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / Aldo Tambellini article, from Volume 1, Number 2, 1970
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / Video Free America article, from Volume 2, Number 3, 1973
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / Recommended Readings [on video], from Volume 2, Number 3, 1973
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / Video City, from Volume 2, Number 3, 1973 - Anna Turner's definitive article on NCET (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / Video City - contents, from Volume 2, Number 3, 1973
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / 1st National Video Festival, from Volume 2, Number 4, August 1973(?)
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / Videospace Review, from Volume 2, Number 4, 1973
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software / CIRCUIT: A Video Invitational - Everson Museum of Art, from Volume 2, Number 5, 1973
[NCET mentions between red brackets] (Adobe Acrobat file)
Radical Software - unpublished draft for issue #6 - contains Reflections on Two Media by Bill Gwin (HTML file)
Part 1. Videospace by Brice Howard - 1972 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Part 2. Videospace and Image Experience by Brice Howard - 1972 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Part 3. Videospace and Performance by Brice Howard - 1972 (Adobe Acrobat file)
Reflections on Values in Public Television by Paul Kaufman - 1972 (Adobe Acrobat file)
About Television Reality and Performance by Brice Howard - 1973 (Adobe Acrobat file)
A scholarly work in video - found on You Tube:
(WGBH Boston Public Television program exploring the relatively new area of video art. The program highlights several video artists exploring the video medium and pushing its boundaries...)
Talking Faces, Eating Time and Electronic Catharsis by Marvin Duckler - 1973 (Delivered at the NCET Conference on Television: Art and Information - Asilomar, Monterey, CA - June 1973) (Adobe Acrobat file)
Television and Reality by Paul Kaufman - 1973 (Delivered at the NCET Conference on Television: Art and Information - Asilomar, Monterey, CA - June 1973) (Adobe Acrobat file)
The Asilomar Conference - Television: Art and Information - Asilomar Convention Center, Monterey California - June 1973
Communications, Organizations and John Stuart Mill by Richard Moore - 1973 (Delivered at the NCET Conference on Television: Art and Information - Asilomar, Monterey, CA - June 1973) (Adobe Acrobat file)
Suggestions Toward a Small Video Facility by Rich Stevens and Don Hallock - 1973 (Adobe Acrobat file)
The Videotape Collection at Media Study/Buffalo by John Minkowski, February 1978
(Video History Project)
Draft outline for the "Pioneers" exhibition by Woody Vasulka - 1992 (multiple mentions of Stephen Beck) (Adobe Acrobat file)
National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED-TV, 1967 - 1975,
San Francisco, CA
by Steve Seid, Video Curator of the Pacific Film Archives and Maria Troy, Associate Curator of the Wexner Center, June 17, 2000 (Video History Project)
Beck Direct Video Synthesizer by Stephen Beck (Adobe Acrobat File) - written for the Videospace exhibit, Berkeley Art Museum, September 14 - Nov 15, 2000 (Videospace on line announcement)
The Experimental Television Center
Video History Project / Experimental Television Center
Radical Software
Video Free America
Electronic Arts Intermix
Video Circuits - a blog for and about electronic video artists. (home page)
Video Circuits blog page with mention of, and link to, the NCET web site.
Videospace: National Center for Experiments in Television, 1967 - 1975 - (retrospective exhibition at the Berkeley Art Museum - September 14 - November 15, 2000: (on-line announcement)
An excerpt from Stephen Beck's Video Weavings (on You Tube)
Warner Jepson's Orange Wind (on You Tube)
Anna Turner's Wikipedia entry
The WGBH Alumni web site
Videola memories: Stephen Beck, Katie McGuire, Bill Roarty and Don Hallock locked in SFMOMA (Stephen remembers):
Ah, those photos of us setting up the concert at the old SFMOMA brings to mind that we got locked into the museum one night when we were there late setting up - we had to step out onto the balcony way up high on that classic building on Van Ness across from City Hall - gazing at that golden dome of City Hall ... and eventually one of the guards came around and found us around 2 AM to let us out.....
Those concerts were amazing at SFMOMA I remember packed houses in the large auditorium, and the other gallery where we were set up previous to the big concerts - the trustees came in for one of those preview concerts and I recall a number of fur clad, silver haired dowagers looking at you and me in our hippie hair with suspicion but once we started the performance they were amazed - I remember one saying to me afterwards "You hippie artists really showed us something beautiful. Thank you!" so I replied "And thank you, Madam, for coming to see our works." Thus in 1972 a small bridge between the "hippie artists" and the social registry was built, at least that night.
The other concerts we gave with the Videola on the 7th and Folsom location where NCET had to move after being kicked out of the Bryant Street Studio, I recall huge mobs of people lining up out there to get up into the loft space on the second floor so see more performances .....those were very fun times, and thanks for your masterful essay to bring back some of the memories of another era. I have one video shot of that gas station across the street with a sign in 1972 of gas for 39 cents a gallon.
Cheers, Steve